I Internal Cross-Learning Session A2.0


As part of the social-technological platform of the Amazonia 2.0 project and the contingency plan developed in response to the COVID-19 crisis, a series of internal sessions to exchange experiences began in April 2020, to motivate the collective learning of the different implementation teams that give life to the project.

The first internal session was led by Javier Vargas, A2.0 technical coordinator at Fundación EcoCiencia, who shared his presentation: "Experiences from Ecuador: Comprehensive territorial management with emphasis on community monitoring using technology".

Twenty-three members of the Amazonia 2.0 project attended this session from all six countries of implementation: Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Guyana, Brazil and Suriname. After Javier's presentation, a rich discussion took place about the Ecuadorian context and its similarities or differences with the other countries.

Below you will find the recording of the entire session (in spanish), for the details presented by the A2.0 technical coordinator in Ecuador and the feedback from other members of the regional team.