Amazonia 2.0 is implemented in Ecuador by Fundación EcoCiencia in the provinces of Napo and Pastaza, in 10 Waorani communities, in an approximate work area of 330,000 hectares.
It is operated with the support of indigenous organizations such as the Waorani Nationality of Ecuador (NAWE) and the Waorani Women's Association of the Ecuadorian Amazon (AMWAE), as well as government entities such as the Ministry of Environment.
In Ecuador, A2.0 has replicated the Territorial Monitoring model, forming the Waorani Monitoring whose members have strengthened their capabilities and are prepared to record and properly manage environmental threats in their territory. There are already 3 technical monitors and 10 community monitors operating and making use of technological tools.
In addition, the Waorani Monitoring, together with the AMWAE, develops and gives technical follow-up to sustainable productive activities as mechanisms to face deforestation. All this as part of a territorial model of integral management for the conservation and management of its forests, which articulates in an innovative way with the private sector.
The recognition and legitimacy that the Waorani Monitoring has obtained from the Ecuadorian Government can be observed as it’s now the direct reference of the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador in the development of a community monitoring strategy of pressures and threats on forest resources..
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