The exchange of knowledge around relevant issues for our project is one of the bases of our social-technological platform. Below you will find a series of webinars presented by Amazonia 2.0, open to all audiences.
  • Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions (NbS): opportunities for its application in South America

    September 30th 2020

    Ana Julia Gómez, Member of the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication. Moderator.

    Webinar Part I:

    Angela Andrade, Global Chair of the Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM).

    Download presentation (Spanish)

    Verónica Ruiz, Global Ecosystem Management Program

    Download presentation (Spanish)

    Webinar Part II:
    • Gabriel Quijandría (Vice-Minister of the Environment, Peru).
    • Roberto Vides (Executive Director of the Foundation for the Conservation of the Chiquitano Forest, Bolivia).
    • Ximena Salinas (President of the Committee for the Defense of Flora and Fauna, Chile).
    • Tuntiak Katan (General Vice-coordinator of COICA).
    • Roberto Palmieri (Executive Director of Imaflora, Brazil).

    *In spanish

  • The strategic role of communication in Nature Conservation: Experiences in South America

    August 26th 2020

    Ana Julia Gómez, Member of the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication. Moderator.

    Download Introduction Presentation (Spanish)

    Eliana Garzón, Head of Communications of Fundación Natura (Colombia): "The strategic role of communication in intercultural environmental processes".

    Link to presentation (Spanish)

    Bruno Monteferri, Director of Conservamos por Naturaleza (Peru): "Campaigns to involve city dwellers in conservation actions”.

    Download Presentation (Spanish)

    Magdalena Muñoz, specialist in stakeholder involvement and participation; and Lorena Gavilanes, technical expert in communication, public relations and media (Ecuador): "PROAmazonía: Inclusive communication for stakeholder involvement".

    Download Presentation (Spanish)

    *Soon in english

  • Development perspectives of Amazonian Indigenous Peoples post COVID-19

    June 12th 2020

    Braulio Buendía, Regional Coordinator Amazonia 2.0 project, IUCN South America: "Affectation and strategies to strengthen the management of indigenous forests facing the effects of COVID-19".

    Braulio Buendía Presentation (Spanish)

    Jaime Nalvarte, Director of the Association for Integral Research and Development (AIDER) and President of the Peruvian IUCN committee: "Opportunities for economic reactivation and funding possibilities for management in indigenous territories".

    Jaime Nalvarte Presentation (Spanish)

  • Opportunities and challenges of governance in Amazon forests

    May 8th 2020

    Carmen Josse, Executive Director, Fundación EcoCiencia (Ecuador): "Contribution of Indigenous Territories to the conservation of the Amazon Basin".

    Carmen Josse Presentation (Spanish)

    Natasha Garzón, Consultant in governance and articulation of local and regional issues, Fundación Natura (Colombia): "The path towards intercultural governance of the Amazon".

    Natasha Garzón Presentation (Spanish).

    *Soon in english


To promote collective learning, the Amazonia 2.0 team conducts virtual sessions to exchange internal experiences. Below you will find these great work dynamics.
  • COICA - A2.0 Experience Exchange

    August 16th 2021

    Tema: "Experiences on community-based monitoring in the Amazon Basin"


    Elcio Manchineri, Coordinator of the Territory and Natural Resources Area, COICA.

    Braulio Buendía, Regional Coordinator A2.0, IUCN.

    Carolle Alarcon, A2.0 Technical Coordinator, IUCN-Brazil.
    Download presentation (Portuguese)

    Rebeca Dumet, A2.0 Technical Coordinator Peru, ECO REDD.
    Download presentation (Spanish)

    Javier Vargas, A2.0 Technical Coordinator Ecuador, EcoCiencia Foundation.

    Victor Poveda, A2.0 Colombia Technical Team, Fundación Natura.
    Download presentation (Spanish)

    Michael Mcgarrell, A2.0 Technical Team Guyana, Amerindian Peoples Association

    Felipe Samper, A2.0 Technical Coordinator Suriname, The Amazon Conservation Team

  • VII Internal Cross-Learning Session

    November 24th 2020

    Tema: "Experiences from Brazil: Amazonia 2.0, agroforestry agents and community monitoring in indigenous lands"


    Carolle Alarcon, Technical Coordinator of A2.0, IUCN-Brazil.
    - VII Internal Session Presentation (portuguese)

    Vera Olinda, Executive Coordinator, Pro-Indian Commission of Acre.
    - CPI Introduction (portuguese)
    - Presentation (portuguese)

    José Frank de Melo Silva, Technical Advisor, Geoprocessing Sector, Pro-Indian Commission of Acre.
    - Presentation (portuguese)

  • VI Internal Cross-Learning Session

    October 23rd 2020

    Tema: "Community monitoring and forest management: Experiences from Guyana".

    Ponente: Michael McGarell, GIS and Forest Policy Officer, Amerindian Peoples Association.

    V Internal Session Presentation
  • V Internal Cross-Learning Session

    August 13th 2020

    Tema: “Experiences from Suriname: monitoring and community forest management".

    Ponente: Johan Hardjopawiro, Field Operation Supporting Officer, The Amazon Conservation Team.

    V Internal Session Presentation
  • IV Internal Cross-Learning Session

    June 26th 2020

    Topic: "La Comunicación de Amazonía 2.0: experiencias de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú".

    Speaker: Gabriela Arnal (communications consultant - UICN South America), Guiselle Muro (communications officer Eco Redd - Peru), Ana María Acosta (communications officer Fundación EcoCiencia - Ecuador) y Katerine Vargas (communications officer Fundación Natura- Colombia).

    Regional presentation (spanish)
    Eco Redd presentation (spanish)
    EcoCiencia presentation (spanish)
    F. Natura presentation (spanish)
  • III Internal Cross-Learning Session

    May 29th 2020

    Topic: “The Peruvian experience: Indigenous monitoring and community forest management”.

    Speaker: Rebeca Dumet, Amazonia 2.0 Technical Coordinator, Eco Redd, Perú.

    III Internal Session Presentation (spanish)
  • II Internal Cross-Learning Session

    May 13th 2020

    Topic: “Conceptual and methodological approaches to community monitoring: experiences from Colombia”.

    Speaker: César Monje, Amazonia 2.0 Technical Coordinator, Fundación Natura, Colombia.

    II Internal Session Presentation (spanish)

  • I Internal Cross-Learning Session

    April 24th 2020

    Topic: “Experiences from Ecuador: comprehensive territorial management with emphasis on community monitoring using technology”.

    Speaker: Javier Vargas, Amazonia 2.0 Technical Coordinator, Fundación EcoCiencia, Ecuador.

    I Internal Session Presentation (spanish)

Media Library


Leticia Pact Infographic

September 2021


March 2021


March 2021


Amazonia 2.0 in Colombia


Amazonia 2.0 in Guyana

Road Map

Amazon Conservation Team Suriname

Role and responsabilities of rangers

Sranan Tongo

Responsible use of forest resources

Sranan Tongo

Forest conservation is cultural conservation

Sranan Tongo

Billboard 02

Amazon Conservation Team Suriname

Billboard 01

Amazon Conservation Team Suriname


Forest Governance in Suriname

A2.0 Brochure 2019

A2.0 Presentation 2019



March 2023

Closing Event

March 2023

Amazon Constelation

February 2023

2022 Chronicle

December 2022

COICA's V Amazon Summit

September 2022

Ucayali Mission EU-A2.0

August 2022

2021 Chronicle

December 2021

Locus Map Training by APA

October 2021

Amazonian Culture by APA

October 2021

A2.0 in World Conservation Congress

September 2021

The Leticia Pact

September 2021

The Amazon Conservation Rangers

July 2021

Explanatory Video

April 2021

Gasel: Monitor's Rap

April 2021

Amazon Connection

Animated Shortfilm 2021



APA's Monitoring Experience

December 2020

2020 Chronicle

December 2020


August 2020

Planning Workshop - Guyana & Suriname

Quito - January 2020

Gasel: COVID-19 from the indigenous people's heart

Peru 2020

Amazonia 2.0 Project


What is Amazonia 2.0?

Explanatory Animation

Contact Us


  • Edificio Murano Plaza, piso 12
    170515 Quito, Ecuador
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