From May 31st to June 2nd, 2022, the Amazon 2.0 project participated in the Regional Forum "Amazon in Common: Territories, coexistence and sustainability", in the city of Puyo, Ecuador.

The event was organized by the French Embassy in Ecuador, together with the French Research Institute for Development (IRD), the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA), the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (CONFENIAE) and the Amazon State University.

The project was present with a delegation of about 15 people from 4 countries: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Among these were members of the national technical teams, the regional coordination of the project, and representatives from the local communities.

Implemented in Brazil by IUCN Brazil, the Brazilian delegation of Amazonia 2.0 was represented by Carolle Alarcon, technical coordinator of the project in the country, and Manoel (Maná) Gomes da Silva, advisor for indigenous affairs of the State Secretariat of Environment and Indigenous Policies of Acre (SEMAPI-AC) and indigenous Huni Kuin of the Indigenous Land Colônia 27.

Maná with Nadino Calapucha, COICA

Carolle and Manoel participated in the various moments propitiated by the forum from the exhibition, "Tropical Forests, Future of the Planet", organized by the IRD, the event "Scientific Wayusa: Crossed eyes on the Amazon Forest" with presentations by Diego Gutiérrez del Pozo (Amazonia State University), Enoc Merino Santi (Kichwa Yaku Supay Runa Foundation) and Lolita Piaguaje (CONFENIAE). As well as the protocol table and the series of plenary sessions that kicked off the Regional Forum, and the working groups held on the second and last day of the event, around three themes: restoration of degraded forests in indigenous territories, bioeconomy in indigenous communities, and the role of women in the economy and political participation.

In parallel, Maná, with the support of the Amazonia 2.0 regional team, participated in the Regional Forum's Associative Fair, where he exhibited and sold handmade products from his community. In addition, taking advantage of the meeting in Ecuador, other meetings and moments of information exchange were provided between the technical team of the Amazônia project.

For Maná, "it was very important to participate in this unprecedented meeting, where indigenous peoples of the Amazon, COICA, supporters of the indigenous peoples, the French embassy, partners, all seeking to strengthen the growth and economic development and appreciation of traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples".

SEMAPI -AC is one of the key allies of the project in Brazil, and a reflection of this is the establishment of a Technical Cooperation Agreement with IUCN Brazil still in 2018. For 2022, training activities for the use, expansion, articulation and enrichment of the Amazonia 2.0 regional platform involving the Secretariat's technicians are planned.

The Amazônia 2.0 project is a collaborative initiative coordinated by IUCN South America, made possible thanks to funding from the European Union. In Brazil, the project is coordinated by IUCN Brazil and it works in 3 territories in Acre: the Mamoadate and Alto Rio Purus Indigenous Lands and the Chandless State Park.