Amazonia 2.0 at the Regional Forum: Amazon in Common

From May 31st to June 2nd, 2022, the Amazonia 2.0 project, strengthening its regional articulation and positioning, participated in the Regional Forum "Amazonía en Común: Territorios, convivencia y sostenibilidad" (Amazon in Common: Territories, coexistence and sustainability).

This event was organized by the French Embassy in Ecuador, together with the IRD, COICA, CONFENIAE and the Universidad Estatal Amazónica (Amazon State University), in the city of Puyo, Ecuador.

Manoel (Maná) Gomes da Silva giving a message from the indigenous peoples of Brazil - Inauguration of Tropical Forest Exhibition

In the framework of the Forum, on the evening of May 31st, the launching of the exhibition "Tropical rainforests, future of the planet", by the French Research Institute for Development IRD, was attended; followed by the event "Wayusa Científica: Miradas cruzadas sobre el bosque Amazónico" (Scientific Wayusa: Crossed gaze about the Amazon forest), with presentations by Diego Gutiérrez del Pozo (Universidad Estatal Amazónica), Enoc Merino Santi (Fundación Kichwa Yaku Supay Runa) and Lolita Piaguaje (CONFENIAE).

Amazonia 2.0 Technical Team

During the morning of June 1st, a working meeting was held with the technical team of Amazonia 2.0, taking advantage of this gathering to exchange information on the current status of the project and upcoming activities.

In the afternoon, our delegation integrated by the regional coordination, members of national technical teams (Fundación EcoCiencia, Fundación Natura and ECO REDD) and representatives of local communities, from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, participated in the protocol table and a series of plenary sessions that started the Regional Forum.

Words by Charles-Michel Geurts, Ambassador of the European Union in Ecuador

As part of the protocolary table, the presence of Frédéric Désagenaux, Ambassador of France in Ecuador and Charles-Michel Geurts, Ambassador of the European Union in Ecuador, was noteworthy. Also, as part of the plenary sessions, the presentations "Amazon Initiative for Life: protecting 80% of the Amazon by 2025" by Nadino Calapucha (COICA) and "Amazon Women's Agenda" by Ana Elena Badilla (UN Women) were highlighted.

Margot Gonzales, from the A2.0 Peru delegation, participating in the Workshop on the Role of Amazonian Women

On Thursday, June 2nd, the multi-stakeholder and multi-sector workshops began, in which the Amazonia 2.0 delegation participated, focusing on three important topics:

  • Restoration of degraded forests in indigenous territories: What are the roles for academia and international cooperation?
  • Bioeconomy in indigenous communities: cross perspectives among actors.
  • The role of women in the economy and in political participation: forms of recognition and areas for improvement.

The activity ended with a plenary reflection on the discussions in the three workshops, closing with the reading and signing of the Declaration, which brought together the conclusions of the collective work. Time was also devoted to internal reflections by the project team on the topics discussed during the Forum.

Amazonia 2.0's stand at the Associative Fair

In parallel to these working sessions, Amazonia 2.0 participated in the Regional Forum's Associative Fair, where information and communication material of the project was shared. There, they also had the opportunity to exhibit and sell handicrafts and bio-enterprise products from the communities represented by the delegations from Ecuador, Brazil and Peru, which are part of the A2.0 Consortium.

The three-day meeting for the Amazonia 2.0 project was a great opportunity to share the progress of the project, discuss, expand knowledge and exchange experiences on key issues for the implementation of the project in 2022.

The Amazonia 2.0 project is a collaborative initiative coordinated by IUCN South America, made possible thanks to funding from the European Union.