Amazonia 2.0 attends the V Amazon Summit of COICA

On September 5 and 6, 2022, the IUCN Regional Office for South America, through the Amazonia 2.0 project, participated in the V Summit of Indigenous Peoples: Solutions for a Living Amazon.

The Summit, organized by the Coordinating Committee of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA) and AIDESEP (COICA's grassroots organization in Peru, in its capacity as host), was held at the Lima Convention Center. It was attended by leaders from the 9 Amazon countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guyana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela), as well as representatives of the public and private sectors, civil society partner organizations and cooperation agencies.

Photo: Opening ceremony of the Summit. Recognition of Evaristo Nungkuag, founder of COICA.

As part of the activities, various panels and forums were held, led by experts in different fields, including topics such as: rights of indigenous peoples and communities; protection mechanisms for indigenous defenders; multilateral banking, international investment and indigenous alternatives; impact of oil companies in the Amazon; indigenous bioeconomy and the inclusion of women and youth in decision making.

Photo: Remarks by Lolita Piyaguaje, vice-president of CONFENIAE (Ecuador), at the panel "Participation as a pillar of rights: inclusion of women and youth in decision-making for a Living Amazon".

During the two days of the Summit work groups were held. The Amazonia 2.0 team participated in the following thematic areas:

  1. Solutions in Governance and territorial management.
  2. Solutions for policies and human rights.
  3. Solutions for gender and generational equity.
  4. Partnership strategies for the financial and operational sustainability of COICA and its bases.

Photo: Working group on indigenous economy and financing mechanisms.

The work carried out in these roundtables will be the main inputs for COICA's Action Plan for the next period, with the ultimate goal of protecting 80% of the Amazon by 2025 ("Amazon for Life" initiative).

At the same time, throughout the Summit, the project was exhibited in the stand area, where information and communication material about the initiative was shared with all attendees.

After the Summit, from September 7 to 9, the XI COICA Congress was held, where the revision of its statutes and technical-financial reports of the 2018-2022 management were made, as well as other aspects of internal governance, which lay the foundations for the continued strengthening of the regional indigenous movement and its ties with the cooperation.

For more information about the V Amazon Summit, read here (spanish): 

Be sure to watch and share the message for COICA from the Amazonia 2.0 project: