By July 18th, 2020, a total of 40 patients affected by coronavirus have already been treated at the "Indigenous Healing Home of the province of Atalaya" (Casa de sanación de sabios y sabias indígenas de la provincia de Atalaya CSSI-A), one week after its inauguration.

This space was created by initiative of the Provincial Indigenous Command formed by the indigenous organizations: the Regional Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of AIDESEP Atalaya -CORPIAA and the Regional Union of Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon of the Province of Atalaya -URPIA together with ECO REDD executor partner of the project Amazonia 2. 0 led by IUCN South America and funded by the European Union. This initiative arises in response to the increase in infections and deaths from coronavirus in indigenous populations and aims to provide care to potential patients affected by COVID-19, preferably indigenous people from the province of Atalaya, to prevent the spread of the virus and the loss of more human lives in the province.

According to information provided by the medical and indigenous personnel working at the CSSI-A, they indicated that the patients who had been attended presented symptoms related to COVID-19 have been provided with the corresponding treatment and medicines, in addition to generating a registration form, in order to monitor the cases.

The Indigenous Healing Home of Atalaya (CSSI-A) is a space that provides care to potential patients affected by COVID-19 by merging traditional medicine (medicinal plants) supported by the ancestral wisdom of indigenous wise men and women and Western medicine, since it has the monitoring of a doctor and nurses. The operation is directed by an indigenous wise man and accompanied at all times by a doctor, in order to guarantee the health of the patients.

At present, the CSSI-A operates in the institutional premises of the Federation of Native Asheninka Communities of the Province of Atalaya - FECONAPA, located in Jr. Rímac, a space of some 400 to 500 square metres; it will provide care for an average of 30 people a day, 20 inpatients and 10 outpatients in their homes.

Regarding the costs of its implementation, equipment, operation and payment of services are being financed by the support of cooperation, people and institutions with sensitivity, including ECO REDD implementing partner of Amazonia 2.0. It is expected that in the coming days to extend services to communities through community agents, it is known that in Sepahua and Tahuania are also implementing similar initiatives to the house of Indigenous Healing.