Virtual Workshop: Systematization of Lessons Learned from Amazonia 2.0

On October 31st, 2022, the Regional Coordination of the Amazonia 2.0 Project convened the project's implementing consortium to the virtual workshop "Systematization of lessons learned from the Amazonia project".

The purpose of the workshop was to present the main findings, results, lessons learned and recommendations of the A2.0 project after almost 6 years of implementation, collected in a systematization document with emphasis on learning, replication and scaling.

The workshop was preceded by Alejandro Imbach, project consultant and leader of the systematization process. His presentation highlighted the main characteristics of this sequential process that had three stages of development. The presentation also addressed relevant aspects of the content structure of the final report.

The main contributions and most visible achievements for each of the 3 results of the project's logical framework were presented, as well as the lessons learned, both at the local, national and regional levels, including lessons learned on the internal governance of the project. For their part, the participants made comments, questions and contributions as part of the feedback process that complemented the previous meetings that were held bilaterally with each of them.

The development of the systematization process and its final document represent an important public contribution of the Amazonia 2.0 project, since it gathers useful lessons for the sector, sharing recommendations for the development of similar projects in the region and worldwide.

The Amazonia 2.0 experience includes a collaborative effort between 6 Amazonian countries, executing an implementation model adaptable to the challenges of each country, leaving as a legacy an immense variety of lessons learned translated into replicable and scalable actions. The final systematization document of the Amazonia 2.0 project will be available to the general public free of charge by the end of 2022.