Training workshop reinforces the renewal of the partnership between IUCN and SEMAPI-AC

As part of the Amazonia 2.0 project in Brazil, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the State Secretariat for the Environment and Indigenous Policies of Acre (SEMAPI-AC) renewed the Technical Cooperation Agreement between the parties (TCA)

 The signing of the document, carried out on August 25th, is the guarantee of the continuity of the joint work focused on strengthening the management and expansion of biodiversity monitoring actions and territorial protection of the Chandless State Park, which has been developed since the formalization of cooperation in 2018 and its extension last year.

For 2022, the partnership aims to articulate efforts to strengthen the territorial governance of Acre's protected natural areas through the articulation and use of technological tools and monitoring platforms, as well as spaces for participation and training, using the experience, skills and mutual perspectives of the parties.

The Amazonia 2.0 project drew up a Work Plan within the scope of the TCA and established its strategic objectives, focusing on a central axe to update, enrich and publicize the regional platform (Geovisor), which has data on local monitoring of biodiversity and of pressures and threats from the Chandless Park, and other technological tools and monitoring platforms. In addition, it foreseen the promotion and involvement in innovation and investment forums in the bioeconomy.

Carolle Alarcon, technical coordinator of the project in Brazil, highlights as priority actions in Brazil the “training of Secretariat technicians on the structure, potential and use of the Geovisor platform and other technological tools and monitoring platforms linked to territorial governance of Protected Areas and Lands”. To achieve this goal, “a training workshop will be held in October, strengthening the management and monitoring capacities led by SEMAPI for Chandless State Park”, highlights Alarcon.

As Secretary Paola Fernandes points out, “the objectives of the work plan and the Amazonia 2.0 project contribute to SEMAPI's institutional mission. Since the signing of the TCA in 2018, SEMAPI (then SEMA) has been one of the main enthusiasts of the project, facilitating dialogue with other important institutional actors, with the direct and indirect beneficiaries of A2.0, participating in capacity building and providing scale and continuity of community-based monitoring actions on Chandless”.

The partnership between IUCN and SEMAPI is based on four Collaboration Principles, which are: Complementarity and reciprocal support; Mutual benefit; Accountability and funding of collaborative projects and activities; and Mutual recognition.


Meet the partners

The Secretary of State for the Environment and Indigenous Policies of Acre (SEMAPI-AC), among other attributions, is responsible for planning, coordinating, executing and developing environmental management instruments for the Acre territory, considering economic ecological zoning, ethnozoning, local planning of land use, always with a view to economic development.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is an international organization made up of governmental and civil society members, operating through offices in more than 50 countries in 11 regions, with the mission of influencing, encouraging and helping societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.