The Amazon 2.0 project in Brazil, in partnership with the Pro-Indio Commission of Acre (CPI-Acre), published in November a didactic material for remote learning in community-based territorial monitoring. The material consists of a three-module booklet and audiovisual material to support remote training and is available in Portuguese and in the native languages of the Manchineri, Jaminawa and Huni Kuin indigenous peoples.

The three modules and complementary videos cover the topics of Community Monitoring, Governance and Management of the Environment and Territory and Environmental Education and are available on the Media Library of the regional A2.0 platform and on Google Classroom.

The course was developed in the context of cooperation with CPI-Acre in 2020, to support training actions in the field. With the constraints imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the course was adapted into an innovative teaching material with an intercultural and gender approach for the remote training of project monitors and Indigenous Agroforestry Agents, a training initiative coordinated by CPI-Acre. Once available, the material can be disseminated to a wide audience - including indigenous peoples, monitors, agents and also organisations working on the issue - to improve technical capacities for monitoring, governance and territorial management.