II Workshop Cycle on the use of the Amazonia 2.0 GeoVisor

In four sessions, between May 18 and 26 of 2021, Amazonia 2.0 (A2.0) provided a second cycle of virtual training, this time in English, to improve skills on the use of the Geovisor developed by the project.

On this occasion, 20 people from indigenous organizations, government agencies and members of the A2.0 team from Guyana and Suriname, attended the training workshops on this important tool. These workshops were organized by the project and facilitated by EcoCiencia, who leads the administration and training process of the Geovisor, and had a theoretical-practical format, based on a "learning-by-doing" approach.

Participants from both countries had an extremely positive response to the training workshops. Irvin Ristie, representative of the Organization of the Indigenous people in Suriname (OIS), commented at the end of the workshops, that the GeoVisor was “a very useful tool that certainly we could use for different projects”.

The GeoVisor is one of the key technological components of the A2.0 regional platform, that allows to dynamically visualize geospatial information on various topics such as: work areas and monitored areas of the project; biodiversity monitoring, climate, use of the territory; aspects related to forest governance and other priority issues, to help strengthen governance processes and territorial management in the areas of intervention of A2.0.

Also as part of this process, the Regional Platform Launch was held on May 27 and 28. In these two sessions we shared the progress of the social and technological components of this comprehensive tool, to further improve territorial management and governance based on community monitoring experiences.