VII Internal Cross-Learning Session A2.0


On November 24th, 2020, the VII Internal Collective Learning Session was held as part of the social-technological platform of the Amazonia 2.0 project. On this occasion, the session was led by the IUCN-Brazil team, and had as its theme: "Experiences from Brazil: Amazonia 2.0, agroforestry agents and community monitoring in indigenous lands".

The day included presentations by Carolle Alarcon, National Technical Coordinator of A2.0 of Brazil; Vera Olinda, Executive Coordinator of the Pro-Indio Commission of Acre and José Frank de Melo Silva, Technical Advisor for the Geoprocessing Sector, also from the Pro-Indio Commission of Acre. Up to 35 participants from our 6 implementation countries attended this internal session: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Suriname.

For more details on the information shared in this session, please watch the video below (presentation in portuguese):