Within the A2.0 project, progress has been made with the implementation of the Regional Platform, conceived as a set of tools and actions that has technological and social aspects, that articulates in a dynamic and integrative way, the information collected in each one of the project's intervention areas as a result of a long process of generating local capacities and the implementation of community oversight bodies.

One of the technological components of this regional platform is the GeoViewer (GeoVisor in Spanish), an online tool that compiles and displays geospatial information from partners' local monitoring efforts in the six countries within the Amazon basin. It is also a virtual space to display relevant geospatial information, with the aim of strengthening capacities and advocacy from partners, communities and campesino and indigenous peoples participating in the project.

This process is being led by Fundación EcoCiencia in close coordination with the A2.0 Regional Coordination and consortium. Through the management and systematization of data, has managed to synthesize the information collected in each of the countries that are part of this project; 168 spatial layers were generated, organized within the GeoViewer by country and monitoring themes, and reflects the effort to generate local capacities for monitoring and response to pressures and threats in the territory.

 The information that is available in the GeoViewer, is represented through interactive layers that allow, in a dynamic and intuitive way, to visualize information on various topics such as: the project’s intervention areas, the monitored areas, the number of monitors, biodiversity monitoring, climate monitoring, forest governance indicators, land use monitoring, among other topics as priorities to contribute to territorial management and governance processes where A2.0 is being implemented.  

The GeoViewer allows to share relevant geographic information generated by A2.0 in an agile and simple way. With a click you can navigate and consult the available information, and access attribute tables. Simply loading the layer of interest and clicking on the map, you can obtain the information associated with that specific geographic point of interest. In addition to being an online consultation tool, the GeoViewer is conceived as a living tool in constant evolution for decision-making, which will not only allow you to access and perform spatial analysis with the varied information available, but also upload your own information with the one that you can diversify the use you can give to this platform.

We want to share our monitoring experience and reach a wider audience, we invite you to explore this GeoViewer, make spatial analysis by crossing your information with the available information, generating your own maps and telling us your experience.

Access here: https://amazoniadospuntocero.com/index.php/en/geovisor-en